Accumulation - Management - Preservation (TM)
Call Us: 608-827-6755

Photo: Mike Dubis (c) 2017 Grand Tetons September 2017
I work as the Family CFO for nice people who are deliberate about their
future so they can focus on the present.
I also work well with families managing closely held assets; successful first and second generation business owners; professional real estate owners, and families with multi-generational and charitable planning goals.

"People are my clients, not just their portfolios."
- Mike Dubis
Thank you for your interest in my firm.
I offer fee-only financial planning and investment management to a limited number of people.
I serve clients as their family CFO; the client remains in charge and makes key decisions. My advice is intended to be completely objective. By the very nature of what I do and how I do it, you should expect me to not always tell you what you want to hear, but rather challenge you when necessary to align your values with your important goals.
I embrace intellectually honest assumptions in financial planning and encourage low-cost, evidence-based investing for portfolio management. I can also help you in other important meetings and coordinate your other family advisors' agendas so that they are following your agenda. My compensation is fully disclosed, with absolutely no hidden fees.
Since day one of opening this practice in June 2002, I am proud to say…
I have always been fee-only.
I have always been a fiduciary.
I have always offered financial planning.
I did not need regulatory or market forces to impose these changes on me; I have always done it this way.
I also don't pay lip service to words like "quality", "customized solutions", and "being your trusted-advisor." These are not simple talking points; they create the foundation to a successful relationship. "Quality"is judged by you; not me. "Customized solutions" take time and require we work together to build a plan unique to your life. Trust is not a given, it is earned through accumulated, positive experiences together over time.
Through all this, I limit the number of my clients because time is the one resource we can't make more of. I can only serve so many families given the level of services I offer. I also want to practice what I preach by living a life in a way that honors my values and goals. Real financial planning and being truly present to my clients, community, and family takes time. My clients feel this way as well: they want to spend time with the people and in the places they value the most.
If we do decide to work together, I will be on the same side of the table with you. We will seek to create an unencumbered environment where you will be offered specific, objective advice, focused on goal attainment and risk management, while keeping decisions and costs in your control at all times.
I welcome you to learn more about my services here or better yet, just call me directly at 608-827-6755.
Mike Dubis
PS - My compliance firm said I have to ruin this awesome welcome letter by asking you to “Please review Important Disclosure Information set forth in the Disclaimer section of this web site.”
Not all services will be appropriate or necessary for all clients. The potential value and benefit of our services vary based upon a variety of factors, such as the client’s investment, tax, and financial circumstances and overall objectives. The receipt of personalized and tailored services, or your access to financial or professional resources should not be construed as a guarantee of a particular outcome. Past performance, including performance derived from application of time-tested financial planning and investment processes, does not guarantee future results. All investing comes with risk, including risk of loss.
Michael A. Dubis Financial Planning, LLC (“MDFP”) is a registered as an investment adviser with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training.
All written content on this site is for information purposes only. Opinions expressed herein are solely those of MDFP, unless otherwise specifically cited. Material presented is believed to be from reliable sources and no representations are made by our firm as to another parties’ informational accuracy or completeness. All information or ideas provided should be discussed in detail with an advisor, accountant or legal counsel prior to implementation.

Tel: 608-827-6755
Email: info<AT>
8383 Greenway Boulevard
Suite #600
Middleton, Wisconsin 53562